Contextual Statement

A concise biography, outlining your career history and current role(s), highlighting briefly the operational context in which you work or have worked.

My current role as an eLearning Systems Officer in HE encompasses the maintenance, advising/supporting users and testing of bespoke Virtual Learning Environments and their associated tools.  Originally based within a school’s specialist learning technology unit, these services (and I) transferred to a central division within the institution. Although my involvement with these platforms is still significant, the move has allowed me to broaden my responsibilities to include wider University services; online marking and plagiarism software and migration projects with the larger, centrally provided Virtual Learning Environments.

In my previous role as a Learning Technologist in FE, I worked a lot closer with academic staff and students; developing interactive learning materials, leading training workshops and offering guidance on the use of the College’s Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle. Alongside this role I was employed as a Sessional Lecturer, whilst completing the ‘Advanced Diploma in Teaching in FE’. This allowed me to continue my professional development and further my knowledge from an academic viewpoint; developing an understanding of learning, teaching and assessment strategies, implementing learning plans, and assessing learning and giving feedback.

Reflect on why you are submitting your portfolio for CMALT and how this relates to your future career aspirations.

I enjoy working within technology enhanced learning, and I see the CMALT accreditation not only as part of my professional development, but as an opportunity to demonstrate and reflect on the work I have been involved in up to now. As part of a CMALT cohort, I am looking forward to be able to meet colleagues in similar (and not so similar) roles from around the University, to share and learn apiece from varied backgrounds and experiences.